Friday 8 July 2011


It's quiet here. So quiet that I have time to sit and think about how quiet it is. It's a strange thing to think about, one that takes me round in circles. I think I'll soon start to find the energy to find ways to fill these times. Going for walks, writing to people, sending potentially useful emails, and so on and so forth. In the meantime I'm trying to work out just what it is I'm thinking about and I can't. I may even have achieved that rare state of complete blank mindedness. Useless, but I might need some for a while.

Yesterday I graduated. A day of both ceremony and celebration. Was quite good fun in the end. I told myself I was allowed to be excited about it, so I was. I wore a shirt with shiny cuff links and the people I love turned out to be there. The right person* said "Ok, you as well" and bopped me on the noggin, and off I went with another important piece of paper, and a "Good luck, now get on with your life". Funny how no-one mentions the thousands of pounds of debt or the harsh disparity between the number of graduates and the number of graduate jobs. Maybe I could carve a career out of cynicism?

*The one in the biggest shiniest chair wearing the biggest shiniest robe. All so that we would know he was the right person.

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