Friday 8 July 2011


This place attracts fun people and also some strange people. Or perhaps I should say potentially strange because we almost definitely never know their full story. Almost all absolutely lovely. Tonight's guests are the example of case in point that has made me think about posting this.

In the campsite we have a group of 6 adults who have just asked us to judge their gingerbread man icing competition. Last place decided who is to rise early tomorrow and cook breakfast. It's a good system, encourages creativity. In the hostel we have some gentlemen that I met almost exactly a year ago when I was a visitor to the hostel here. They remembered my name and what I had been doing and asked all about what I'd been up to. Made me happy to be remembered. Our third lot of campers who have arrived sans tent or campstove and are currently sleeping in their car. And then there's me. Sitting in a caravan with a cold nose, a highly sociable stuffed cat and wearing the hugest woolly Granddad jumper you can picture. Variety is spicy, they say. Or something like that.

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