Tuesday 2 December 2014

Make Your Own Christmas Jumper

Roll on another two or three weeks of shamelessly Christmas themed ramblings.

Trigger warning. Dismembered Snowman. 

This is my Christmas Jumper.

And this is a post all about it, which I promised to do some time ago.

And that is half of my face. This is very closely related to the camera-dropping incident that we had on our last camping trip, which knackered the zoom lens. We are living a simple life these days, where to zoom out, one must take a step backwards. And well, we were in a restaurant and that would have been weird. I cheerfully sacrificed half my facial features for the sake of the snowman. 

And this is how I made it.
Now before we go any further, I must warn you - there is crochet-ing involved. Very very simple crochet, which I managed well enough to make a Thing. A good chance to practise, in fact, where accuracy is not at all necessary. Crochet is like knitting for the coordinationally-challenged. If you ask me nicely, I would be pleased to share my "hang-the-bunny, stab-the-bunny, pull-the-bunny's-brains-out-through-its-nose" methodology. Unconventional perhaps, but surprisingly effective as a learning technique.

You could let Attic 24 tell you how to do it, and have a much greater chance of success. This is how she thinks you should do circles. Or you could ask around, discover that you have a friend or family member who already has The Knowledge, and have a beautiful bonding experience where they teach you how to Use The Force. They should probably also teach you that it's bad to mix your metaphors.

The instructions go something like this: 

  1. Gather shiny things
  2. Make shapes
  3. Stick it all together
  4. Wear it in public
At this point I am going to shut up and pick up the story via the medium of what might, in this online world, be called an "infographic" were it to contain a) information or b) graphics. As claiming either might be pushing my luck, lets just call them doodles. 

Here are some doodles. 

Very much Not To Scale.

Those are ARMS. 

A gentle reminder to get some new hobbies, is what you've got.
The tiny pom-pom is made from the cardboard doughnuts and the 3D nose is made from the sock, but you knew that, right?

Perhaps not what my late Granny would have wanted me to do with her button collection. This picture does not do justice to the 3D-ness of that nose. You'll have to invite me to a Christmas party.


When L hands over a jumper that she wants to not wear as much ever again, I will attempt to make another creation. I reckon I could manage a couple of green triangles, stuck together in such a way as to pass for a Christmas tree. I've also offered my Dad one. Maybe this is the year?

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