Thursday 20 October 2011

Things I haven't blogged about yet

I have a smartphone. By this I mean I have a phone which thinks it is smarter than me. On a good day it will let me check multiple different email accounts, use facebook, use the GPS map function and help me track buses around Edinburgh (I live in Aberdeen). To save my ego from being damaged by the sheer superiority of the phone's capability I like to turn off it's fanciest functions and restrict it to phoning, texting, writing notes to myself and playing sudoku. Except I don't ever notice when it rings, and I'm afraid of phoning people. Call that texting, notes-to-self and sudoku then. Oh yes, I has Kool.

Why am I telling you this? Because when self-restricted to these three functions I do actually use them. And when in Edinburgh this summer (resolutely navigating by sense of direction only) I made a wee list of "Stuff I Should Blog About". I hereby resolve to commence blogging about those things, if only I can recall what I actually meant. I have a part time job this month, and intend to write a novel next month, so now seems to be the time.

See future posts for actual blogs about these things. Cheers.

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