Tuesday 6 March 2012

The List

I'm addicted to lists, it's true. Does it make an addiction better if I own up to it and share my lists with you? This is my list of Things I Will Do After IVFDF. It's been sitting in my phone getting gradually longer for some time now. Here it is for your viewing pleasure. I may even be open to sensible (clean) suggestions for items to add to the list. Judgement reserved.

In no order whatsoever:
Find a gym, go swimming, build up a bit of strength.
Watch TV, occasionally go to the cinema.
Socialise! - Invite people I've missed over for dinner.
Buy myself a sushi kit from ASDA and learn to make sushi.
Do more cooking and more baking - eat more cake and less rubbish.
Spend time with my flatmates - this is allowed to involve eating rubbish, especially if it is Chinese Take-away rubbish.
Plan my dance teaching - bring on new teachers.
Practise music - join a ceilidh band. This weekend I'm expecting a new toy, which I will tell you all about when I get it.
Put myself through a First Aid at Work course (having first saved up the money for it!)
Sell t-shirts!
Read stuff
Go to the beach more often
Use my Historic Scotland membership

So there.
K x


  1. Lovely to see you back...

    I am told by a Chinese friend thet the proper name for Chinese take-away in this country (yes - even Scotland so don't tell Mr Salmond) is CHINGLISH take-away. She said tht it bears remarkably little relationship to what is available in China.

  2. couple thoughts

    Sushi kit -> just got one they are wonderful!
    Cooking and more baking -> yaaay cakes!
    First Aid at Work course -> try to get your employer to pay for it once in a permanent contract. o:-)
    Sell t-shirts -> getting organised

