Friday 19 August 2011

Another day another Dawn.

As I sip my morning tea and crunch my morning cereal – Mr Tesco's equivalent of Special K eaten with a spork – I have some small musings to share. Or at least I think I do. Or I shall have once I've finished my cereal. This morning I am up, showered, dressed and back in to bed with a computer and cereal course (there will also be eggs and mushrooms, I have to catch up on 1003 calories I accidentally mislaid yesterday, more on that somewhere) before my alarm went off. Apart from the showering bit this is not an unusual occurrence out here. Back in the Real World this would be barely short of miraculous. This morning a shower was overdue and quite necessary if I want to be in an enclosed space with anyone who possesses eyes and a nose at any point today. Nothing like slightly-too-hot water dripping on you in a cold misty forest to kick the brain in to wakefulness.

Here I wake up, moan about the chillyness and potter around for a while getting narked about the discrepancies of the English language. At home I would throw on my cleanest hoody, brush my teeth and run to uni. When I grow up I would like to be a morning person.

Oh yes, I have been musing on the nature of pride and arrogance and the thin line between them. I reckon the Big Guy's got me sussed and whenever I'm in danger of being a cocky sod he likes to remind me that I'd as dim as the rest of them. Last night I though I would be a smartiepants and take the bus to Grantown, do some food shopping, and come home again. Check timetable – yes, there are buses in the evening which will perform this function. Off I go. £2.33 return – bargain. Poor driver got 33 pence in the coppers that won't go in the phone box. There's three buses 1905, 1931, 2045. I take my time, 1905 drifts past, I buy myself some chips and sit an wait for the 1931 concentrating on the chips because everywhere has neds and this lot were the noisy Ford Fiesta-driving variety. At 1945 I check again and discover the little F that should have told me that this bus only runs on Fridays. That's me told, numpty points given out. 6.99 miles, the last few of which were dark and raining, but I am still alive to tell the tale, and will own up to it because I'm told it is good to look stupid every once in a while.

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