Tuesday 17 November 2015

Trestle tables and Sewing Machines

This might have been a post about dress-making, but I haven't finished making the dress yet, so that's probably not going to work. 

This is a shop-bought dress that is about 8 or 9 inches too long!

Crazy, right? Pretty soon I'm just going to chop an arbitrary amount off the bottom and hope for the best. There's a lot of hoping for the best involved when I get the sewing machine out. 
Going to wear it on Saturday though, so it'll be finished pretty damn soon. 

This has been a week where I have done and thought about many little, totally unconnected things, that I will struggle to sting together in to a continuous thread of a thought process. Hey ho, I'm off out committee-ing any minute now, so piecemeal stuff-I-did-this-week it is. 

I went dancing

Lots and lots of driving was involved, and it was all lovely and worth it. This year's newbies, who I met about half an hour before we started dancing, have learned the ropes in next to no time and were shiny and coped beautifully. Next weekend's adventures will be somewhat different - no recaps! Eek. 

I drew some of the pictures I promised you all for last Christmas. 

I even sent them off. These having now made it to their new and rightful homes, you guys can have a butcher's. 

I'm particularly proud of the cat.

There are two or three others that I actually drew last year that I've been a bit, well, shy about since. It being a bit juvenile to post a grown adult a picture of a stickman that you drew, and all that. I hereby resolve to get over that and send them to you anyway. I even bought stamps and I can nick envelopes off L. If you requested a stickman at about this time last year, heck, even if you didn't, please pm me your address. 

I did wedding maths. 

I actually quite enjoy logistics and planning and stuff. A bunch of us are all going away for a weekend's holiday in February and I'm already bouncing off the walls with excitement about all the things I might get to come up with. But weddings, well, they're a bit more... involved. I'll get a handle on it soon. I'll have to. Dear Lord, I need the sleep. 

Last night I went to bed, lay awake for half an hour, and gave up. I got up, made toast, and googled stupid things like the size of a standard trestle table (6'x2'6"), what is costs to hire tablecloths (and boy are there choices out there), and how big a badminton court is (20'x44'). I then worked out just how many people you could seat, at standard trestle tables, in many different combinations and configurations, within the footprint of a standard badminton court. To scale, almost. 

Version 1, all things will change. 

Next up, off to plan more things. 

Till next week, here's a picture of me in my top hat. 

Which I will wear next week when we go to see Bellowhead!

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